Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tick Tock Team

I am sitting at my parent's house watching the clock (hence, one of the reasons for the title of this post) and waiting for my Mom to get ready so I can take her to the airport. The latest bonding activity for Mom and me is watching Bones. It is such an awesome show. Bones called the tac team the tick tock team, and Mom and I just about fell of of our chairs from laughing so hard. Poor Bones! So funny! But then, that is the point.

My legs are quite sore. Yesterday I went to a spin class in the morning, then the core conditioning class (which was beyond difficult), and lifted weights. I am in pain!

I was going to swim last night, too, but (a) it was raining...not enough to cancel practice, but enough to give me an excuse to flake out, (b) I wanted to take Dad to the airport (yes, I am running an airport shuttle service of late), and (c) Sharmin, Carin, and myself went to the Brazos Bookstore
last night for Robyn O'Brien's book signing event since she is a keynote speaker at the NAWMBA conference in a few weeks. We wanted to formally welcome her, hear what she had to say, and make a plug for the conference.

Why am I sitting here at my parent's house at 6:40 a.m., you ask? Well, I have actually been up for two hours. I promised Merry that I would run with her this morning. So, at 4:30, up and at 'em I was, sore thighs and all, and out the door. Little did I know that Pat went swimming and Merry overslept. So no one showed up. I was actually relieved when Merry sent that text because I thought I was late and they all left me! I told Merry it was no problem, I needed to be up to get Mom anyways. But, wait! The plot thickens: I thought I would go swimming instead. I drove back to the apartment and packed up a bag full of books since I am moving back to the 'rents' house. I thought I could take this shift of books over this morning. It was only 5:35 a.m. at this point. I drove around Rice, not once but twice, to debate about swimming this morning. I thought 'well, I'm here, I might as well go," but then thought 'I don't want to blow out my body and be wiped out all day when I really want to swim this afternoon more than this morning.' The deciding factor hair!

I had my hair cut and highlighted two days ago at roughly 1:30 p.m. So, it has not quite been 48 hours yet. Not enough time for the color to set. And THAT was the straw that broke the camel's back: I did not want to tarnish my hair. I figured I would let it set for at least 48 hours and then swim this afternoon. How I am looking forward to getting back in the water!

The core class yesterday kicked me on many levels. I will no longer puff myself up by thinking I have a strong core. Perhaps that was true at one point in my life, but definitely not now.

Also, Robyn O'Brien's event was fascinating: I had no idea our food supply was so chemicalized. I am afraid to eat ever again! I borrowed her book from Sharmin and can't wait to read it. I hope to have it read by the conference and will buy it in paperback or on kindle. Did you know that Tartezine (Yellow 5) is linked to kids' hyper-activity and manufacturing companies to not utilize the chemical in foods in countries outside of the United States?

And back to the main topic: An update for the week:
Swimming: 1 done (well, this was Monday's practice before the game, so really it was/felt like 2)
Running: 1 done (Tuesday morning; 5 miles)
Cycling: 1 done + core class + lifting (yesterday morning)
Plan for remainder of the week: At least 3 swimming (maybe 4: Sunday. Depends on how tired I am.) 1 running (Saturday morning; 10 miler); unfortunately no more spinning classes until next week. I'll give another update on either Saturday or Sunday for accountability's sake.

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