Monday, March 15, 2010

Bubba's Texas Burger Shack

Lovely day today.

Swam 2850 today. Should have been 3000, but I was done and just did not want to swim anymore. So, I got out of the pool and went on my merry way.

I subscribe to and follow other triathlon blogs. I notice that they write about their training plans, times, paces, eating plans, heart rate, etc, etc, etc. I do not. Perhaps I am doing this all wrong. This blog walks a fine line between a journal and a training log.

As one of my awesomest brothers in the world would say: "W/E! This is how I rizzoll." [For those of you who do not know what 'rizzoll' means, as I did not, it means 'roll.' As in, 'this is how I roll.' Yes. Odd. This I know. But please don't shoot the messenger.]

I justify the posts on this odd blog of mine with the fact that other musings about life add additional flavor to a blog that would otherwise be about running, cycling (or lack thereof, especially lately), and swimming. And who cares what my heart rate is, anyway? Perhaps I should, but I certainly do not. Why should you?

My friend Liz and I went to the movies and dinner today. I have always wanted to go to the movies at a random time during a workday. For no other reason than to say I have done it. It was awesome. We saw 'Young Victoria" at 4:00 p.m. today. A great, easy, feel-good chick flick. With rockin' costumes.

Then, we went to a real gem: Bubba's Texas Burger Shack. I was in awe. I almost, almost had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I even posted a Yelp review about it.

It was awesome. A real find. I am going back. Yes, I had the buffalo burger with cheese and everything on it. Thank God I swam today...for all the good it did me.

Oh, and I picked up chocolate on the way home. From CVS. And Tums.

Was it worth it? My tummy is still in a little bit of pain, but YES! It was SO worth it. If nothing else, it was worth the humor. The entire experience was like stepping into a surreal universe. Just go there for a meal and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

Back to biz: I think I am not going to run during the week this week. I will give my knee a break. Stay tuned for this week's plans. You're right; usually I plan out a list of training/workouts for the week. But this week is different. I am making this up as I go.

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