Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Skinny Jeans

I broke down and went to Walmart to get....I don't remember what, actually. But I did come across $20 jeans. And bought a pair. My jeans are all fraying at the edges, and I am too cheap [OK, too poor] to buy more, so I have just let them rot.

I got Jordache boot cut midrises and they are awesome. And they are actually firm-hugging, so they have a snug fit which I like to wear for lounge clothes.

These are going to end up being my skinny jeans! An unexpected bonus! I went back to buy another pair!

Why am I sharing all of this, and why do you care, you ask? Good question. The answer is you probably don't and shouldn't care. I just came to this realization this evening and had to share it with someone: you.

However, I did make this Walmart-run after the 5 mile run yesterday morning, so technically this is an addendum to a report on my training process. Which is the whole point of this blog.:)

Today was swimming. I think I am ready to join the ranks of the Masters of Disaster. That is the term Seth has coined for those of us on the team who stay until 7:30 or whenever to swim. I think I'm ready for it....I swam about 5,500 yards today. Not sore at all, and it was a blast.

What shall we top this off with tomorrow? Well, tomorrow the New York Stock Exchange will be joining us at our humble Rice campus to be followed by our International partio event, so I will probably take the day off. But look out for Friday!

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