Saturday, February 27, 2010

Howdy, y'all.

Well, this week was interesting. We finished our Rice Executive Education Energy Certification class. The class was awesome and I am so thankful for the opportunity to have taken it. I will have to take my father out to dinner as a thank-you.

Thursday was a big swim day. I ended up swimming twice. Once in the morning...which was a Seth workout. And those are always butchering. And in the afternoon, our class finished around 5:00, but I did not want to sit in rush hour traffic and finished all of my work, so I went to swim to kill time. I thought my arms were going to fall off. It was a pure IM workout. Wow. Between both workouts, I did roughly 4500 yards on Thursday. I took Friday off. I was nervous about the rodeo run and extra mileage.

Today was the rodeo run. Which was so fun! I parked my car at Memorial Park because there was no way that I was going to park downtown or anywhere near it during a day like this. It so happened that the rodeo parade started at 610 and Memorial and went down Memorial towards downtown. I got to the park around 7:45...chatted with the MPRC group for a while. They all ran the Sabine, then took off for downtown (since I am slow!). The parade had just started, so I basically ran with the parade to downtown. That was 5 miles. Jami and I met at the Jones Hall and ran the Rodeo Run 10K, which was obviously 6 miles. THEN, I hung out with some friends I ran into down there and watched the parade for a while. All of the kids were so cute.....then I ran back to my car. I say ran. The truth is that I ran/walked.

So, roughly 16 miles total. My legs are OK. Shockingly. And my blisters are doing pretty well. I think that it was due to the awesome shake 'n bake foot sole inserts that I got this week. Mom and I made a project of heating them, molding them, and inserting them. It is like walking on air, and I will never run without soles like this again. The arch is so high, that it feels awesome.

16 miles total. No wonder that I am about to pass out right now. I went to Kathy's and hung out for a while. It was lovely as a recovery from a run. We ate, watched the Olympics, and chatted. I will check in tomorrow about how the recovery is going and report what will be going on this week for you!

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